Why We Need to Use Hat on My Baby at Night

Should babies ever wear hats to bed?!

(11 Posts)

Flingmoo Thu xvi-Oct-fourteen 18:33:17

A silly question for you all - you know sleepsuit sets often come with some combination of matching vest, mittens, bib and lid, well are they supposed to wear the hat to bed at night when it's cold weather? Or indoors when they're awake during the day for that matter? Surely the hat isn't meant to exist worn outdoors with the sleepsuit as babies normally vesture something thicker and more substantial outdoors?!

I go that newborns wear hats indoors simply I'grand talking about the three-6 months sets... Or do they just come with the matching hat purely because it's cute?

(Wanting to put DS in his cute teddybear hat and sleepsuit combo but it never seems to exist an appropriate time for hats...)

Sunflowersareblue Thu 16-October-14 18:35:44

No, its actually dangerous for babies to sleep with hats on. You head is where rut leaves the trunk and equally a baby cannot cocky regulate it's torso heat, yous mustn't put a lid on or it may overheat and either accept a seizure or worse. You lot should e'er take the hat off when you come inside from the common cold outside if you go out the baby asleep in the pram too.

WerewolfBarMitzvah Thu 16-Oct-14 18:36:04

No hats to bed is current communication, I believe.
DS only wore those thin hats for the photo op and if we went out on a fairly warm twenty-four hour period.

divingoffthebalcony Thu xvi-Oct-fourteen eighteen:36:39

Never. It's a big risk for overheating and therefore SIDS.

I wonder why so many sets come up with hats besides, considering they're encarmine useless!

BlinkingHeck Thu sixteen-October-14 18:37:47

No, but they put them in them when y'all're in hospital. shock

Flingmoo Thu sixteen-Oct-14 18:41:21

I guess sleepsuits with matching hats should become to room 101 forth with baby bedding with matching cot bumpers!

I guess I could put the cute matching hats on him when he's poodling around the living room in his sleepsuit on a cold morning before his beginning nap...?

(Not that desperate to hat him up, honest... Just sad that the poor smiley teddy hat will never get to feel the soft warmth of a infant'south head...!)

jackydanny Thu xvi-Oct-fourteen 18:42:05

Clothes your infant as y'all would dress yourself & ane layer (eg blanket, cosy toes, glaze) not folded blanket (that'due south ii layers) drives me nuts seeing hatted, mitted, cosy toed, rain covered babies...must be literally cooking confused

ElephantsNeverForgive Thu 16-October-fourteen 18:43:48

Oh those things my DDs removed from the day they learnt to wriggle or moving ridge their arms virtually.

I exercise take a picture of DD1 in a sun bonnet, she looks extremely cantankerous. That about sums upwards her opinion of hats.

Flingmoo Thu 16-Oct-fourteen 18:56:51

drives me nuts seeing hatted, mitted, cosy toed, rain covered babies...must be literally cooking

I know what you hateful simply I am probably guilty of this to some extent - my babe always looks cosy in hats and blankets at present its Autumn. The way I come across it, he'southward just sitting still in his pushchair whereas I'm getting warm past walking.

Information technology's just as bad when its the opposite though. In the space of about 2 minutes the other twenty-four hour period in Brighton I saw two babies with completely bare feet in pushchairs - no cosytoe, not fifty-fifty socks! I know their anxiety don't touch the ground merely it seems hateful, they'll get chillblains surely.

Littlef00t Fri 17-Oct-xiv xiii:42:26

Took my dd to the supermarket this morning in her sleepsuit with a woollen knitted hoodie. If I'd had a matching hat I suspect she would have worn that and a cardi.

Many parents take babies out in sleep suits.

Planetwaves Friday 17-Oct-xiv 13:52:07

No, but they put them in them when yous're in hospital.

A midwife told me they just recommend doing this for the starting time 24-48 hours afterward birth only. Not sure why - maybe the baby can lose a lot of trunk heat then. Agree the hats in sets are mostly useless! And I but rarely employ those nappy covers that come with dresses....

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Source: https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/sleep/2210914-Should-babies-ever-wear-hats-to-bed

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