Guy Cleaning the Beans Funny Video

Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007) Poster

8 /10

There was never a moment I wasn't laughing.

I don't know what it is about this obviously ridiculous film, but this is one of the few films that makes me laugh consistently throughout. It's hilarious, exciting, and it features one of the Rowan Atkinson's finest performances. One of my favorite comedies that I've seen.

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A Slapstick Feel-good Road Comedy that Brings some Smiles and Laughter

Mr. Bean is back and he's going to France on a holiday adventure. It's great to see Rowan Atkinson back on the big screen after a long time. I think the last time I saw him on screen was in 'Love Actually' (not so-great film but Atkinson was awesome). And of course, he's playing the character he immortalized, the goofy Mr. Bean. There are several Beanish slapstick moments set throughout the dazzling spectacular French locations. Beam also befriends a young Russian, Stepan and a French actress, Sabine. Together they share his adventures.

Though the comedy itself doesn't rely on witty dialogues, there's plenty of fresh slapstick and silly moments that made me laugh. Of course, I enjoy Mr. Bean's sketches too so there is a chance that those who don't like him, might not enjoy the film. I found the characters quite lovable. Emma de Caunes as Sabine is charming and pretty and child actor Max Baldry as Stepan is impressive (unlike those annoying movie kids who 'beg' the audience to love them when getting on their nerve). But 'Mr. Bean's Holiday' clearly belongs to Atkinson. He's a wonderful comedian and it's great to seem him back as Mr. Bean.

Cinematography and visuals do a great job by portraying the stunning locations of France. Yes, because of that the film is visually impressive too. The editing seems good enough but I found the ending to be slightly choppy.

Having said all that, 'Mr. Bean's Holiday' is much better than it's prequel. This one feels fresh and...well my summary pretty much says it all. A fun family film, especially if you like the Mr. Bean Sketches.

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7 /10

Did we watch the same movie??

Warning: Spoilers

Here's the deal: Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has panned Mr. Bean's Holiday for being unfunny, a cow milked dry, same old same old, blah blah blah. Either these people just don't have a sense of humour, if I may be that harsh, or they didn't even see the flick and just reviewed it based on the weak trailer and their own false assumptions. I on the other hand have seen this movie and I can honestly say that it blew me away. It is not only about ten times better than its weak 1997 predecessor (which the film wisely ignores completely), it is a genuinely great movie. It's a feel-good movie which actually makes you feel good (!!) and never turns into awkward sappiness. It is also absolutely hilarious and, thank god, unlike the original movie this one doesn't recycle gags from the TV series.

The basic story is that Mr. Bean wins a ticket to Cannes, where he accidentally separates a young boy from his father. Bean must help the kid find his father again. The plot is hardly the focus of the film, though - it's all about Bean and the often awkward, often painful, and always funny situations he gets himself into.

Rowan Atkinson is at his absolute best and I think it's about time he gets an Academy Award. No, I'm serious. If you think playing Mr. Bean is just a matter of goofing around and making stupid noises, I'd like to see you do it. Atkinson has developed this character to absolute perfection and is the only one who could possibly play the lovable idiot. The over-the-top body language, the facial expressions, and the convincing vibe you get from Bean that, well, the lights are on but there's nobody home - you can't bring all of this to a character if you're not a good actor. Rowan Atkinson is a genius and, like most comedians, he never gets the recognition he deserves.

The supporting cast is good as well, especially Willem Dafoe as an art-house director with his head so far up his own ass and an ego so ridiculously huge he makes Roger Ebert look like Adam Sandler. But this is really Atkinson's show and he carries the entire movie, as expected. The sight gags and physical humour aren't exactly intellectual, but they are very funny and fresh most of the time and the comedy is, well, kind of classy. There's absolutely no toilet/gross-out humour (which I love, by the way), so it's really a mystery why the stuck-up critics disliked this as much as they did - assuming they even watched it. Although the humour is pretty "safe" most of the time, it never stops being funny and I can safely say that this is a film that the whole family can enjoy (and trust me, I don't often say that about movies - "fun for the whole family" usually translates to "fun for the average two-year old, torture for the rest of humanity" in my mind). It's not just kiddie stuff and the comedy is universal.

It's a sweet, warm-hearted and very funny movie with a great soundtrack, good performances, a light plot, and a fantastic ending. Which leads me to the question: "Did I and the critics watch the same movie?" Perhaps Willem Dafoe's obnoxiously pretentious character hit just a little close to home for the snotty critics the film so obviously spoofed? They can have their "Playback"-type films and gush praise over them all they want - I'd take this holiday over that any day.

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9 /10

Mr. Bean's March to the Sea

This hasn't quite been the great year for movies that I had hoped for, but it has certainly been a very good year for comedies, and "Mr. Bean's Vacation" is the best so far. It is also quite a daring film -- who would have imagined a G-rated, live action comedy these days, and without any fart jokes? Where's Mel Brooks when we need him? Just kidding.

This movie homage, and I can it can be argued that it is, to the great Tati films of "Mon Oncle" and "Mr. Hulot's Holiday" is Rowan Atkinson's triumphant farewell to the great character he created. It is hard to imagine any other actor living today pulling this off. Indeed, "Vacation" comes very close to being a silent film -- though I want to assure anyone wandering in from a showing of Transformers, that there are explosion. Now over at the well-known movie review site, half the critics are complaining about Mr. Bean's mugging. Half the critics at that site will apparently complain about anything. But when you have a face as brilliantly expressive as Atkinson's, gosh people, you use it. To moan about that, well, it's like going to a Fred Astaire movie and complaining about the dancing.

But more than that, every scene works, fast or slow, the pacing is perfect. Silly scenes or heartfelt, or both, the comedy never flags. It is one of those movies that long afterward you will be recalling scenes and laughing. The casting is perfect. William Defoe? Yes! There is also a lot of feeling here. I completely bought every one of the characters and their relationships. That is great comic writing.

It also has one of the best endings of any movies out there. For some reason, contemporary films are having a terribly difficult time with coming up with a satisfactory ending. Not "Mr. Bean's Vacation." It has an astonishingly goofy conclusion, one that Mel Brooks at the top of his form would have had a hard time equaling.

I cannot recommend this movie enough, though I wish it had been longer. Take your family to see it -- it will be a long time before anyone can say that again about a contemporary comedy.

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9 /10


I don't understand the bad comments here. I saw the movie just now at a press screening in Bangkok. I did not expect much (because I read the negative comments yesterday), but it was very good! It's not rocket science, it's just another Mr. Bean movie. I even thought this one was better than the first one, especially in the second half of the movie. The end was a bit over the top, but that's only for the last two minutes, you will see why.

Willem Dafoe is also pretty funny as super ego movie director/actor and blends in well in the story with his 'replay' movie. Don't take life too serious and you will enjoy your time in the cinema watching Mr. Bean's Holiday!

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10 /10

The comedy that defines the term "Summer Fun".

If you asked a handful of people of varying ages in America, chances are you'd get about 8 out of 10 knowing who he is. They may not know Rowan's real name, but they know the character.

The sad part about this film is that it's absolutely wonderful, and most people in America aren't going to see it because it's rated "PG". Not a dirty gag, foul word, or joke about someone's junk to be found. And the really amazing part is that it's half comedy, half gorgeous scenery surrounding it. It mocks the Hollywood standard, it has melodious music, it's masterfully filmed, and all the while you just find yourself going "Oh, that Bean." *puts fists on hips*

I can't honestly say I've seen a film this good, this funny, this... pure that can make anyone laugh and find themselves feeling charmed after having seen it. Emma De Caunes stole my heart, Max Baldry is a kid that anyone his age can relate to, and Defoe actually pulls out a great, over-the-top performance without even uttering a four-letter word that he's so very good at snarling out.

You know what? Shame on us America. That we need the big bang, the flatulence, and the double entendre to amuse our soured idea of comedy. What is so wrong with having a character like Bean, a performance like Atkinson's, that we can't find that part of us that wasn't soured on tasteless "humor" but just absorb and let out a barrel-chested sigh of satisfaction after a hearty laugh from a genuine, clever clean joke or visual gag?

We'll go on, with our Jackasses and Scary Movie XII and we'll forget about them five minutes after we've left the theater, but darnit, it's high time a movie like Mr. Bean's Holiday came along. And I for one would pay money to see this again, even if the American know-it-alls of Hollywood think it's better suited in a death slot in September, to be forgotten, sandwiched between sequel after sequel and the banality of teen slasher flicks acted by twenty-somethings whose genre should have died off years ago.

If what Atkinson says is true, that this is the last time Bean will ever appear, then he's gone out on the highest note you could ever bestow on a character so beloved. Shine on Bean, and ride off into that sunset, you crazy, wonderful fella you. And thanks for all the laughs.

... But where's Teddy?

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8 /10

A delightfully ridiculous movie

Mr. Bean's Holdiay was a movie I really enjoyed. Mr. Bean was back in true form, and delivered an unexpectedly funny movie. Part of Mr. Bean's humor is when something is about to happen, you can see it from a mile away, and you yell at the screen "look out Mr. Bean!" or "He left it on the counter! Oh No!" or what have you. There is plenty of this,but there is also a great deal of irony and clever wordplay in it as well. It's a well rounded comedy movie, that will be funny to children and adults alike. I'm not really a big Mr. Bean fan, but I really liked this movie anyway, and I know that most people will too, if they give it a chance. I will definitely recommend this movie to my friends, and to anyone who reads this review.

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8 /10

Very fresh and funny

Mr. Bean, or Rowan Atkisnon, may seem one dimensional man, but here he is impeccable. He plays with a real gusto and his gags are great.Any time he does a gig, that is really funny/ His trip to Cannes is a real gem of laughs - he separates the son of a Russian film maker, he forgets his passport, he loses his money and tickets, he only managed to keep his video camera and make his documentary. Who is really great here is Willem Defoe as a bombastic film maker who loves himself so much that he makes stupid, silly films that make people sleep. Watch it for fun, for real relaxation, for real great time. Mr. Bean is not a serious masterpiece of cinema, but he is fresh, upbeat and this longer film is a great insight into a rural France, as well as bigger Paris and glamor Cannes.

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8 /10

Bean there, so glad I watched that.....this movie is a stitch

Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) has just won a trip to the Riviera from his native England. He will be traveling by train, changing lines in Paris. Needless to say, he is very excited about his good fortune and has brought along a video camera to record his journeys. However, as he is taking a cab to the train station in Paris, he accidentally boards the wrong taxi and ends up on the other side of town. No problem, he'll just walk, as cars rush around him. Once at the correct station, he has some time to kill so he enters a posh restaurant. To his horror, he finds he has ordered oysters on the half shell and large crayfish. The food does not go down easy. After the meal, Bean is about to board the rails when he asks another gentleman to "film" his walk up the steps. Unfortunately, Bean causes the man to miss the same train, where the stranger's young son is deposited. Feeling responsible, Bean tries to care for the boy. But, what else could possibly go wrong? Plenty! The world owes Atkinson a big round of applause for his priceless character, Bean, and this film continues the fun. Although he rarely utters a syllable, Bean's facial expressions are worth a thousands words and his antics are very comical. In the restaurant scene, for example, his close encounter with the oysters are enough to send anyone into a frenzy of laughs. And, the giggles never stop but continue on until the film's end. Supporting him nicely are Willem Dafoe and the other unknown cast members, especially the young boy of the movie. The scenery of France is lovely while the costumes, direction, and script are first rate. With so few G-rated films on the market, don't miss out on this one if you are seeking a true family-oriented movie. But, in truth, don't miss this one for any reason, as Mr. Bean's Holiday is a welcome and humorous balm from life's proverbial bad days.

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10 /10

One of the best sweet films this year!!!!!

Warning: Spoilers

That's a excellent film, I really loved it! Again Rowan Atkinson give us his classical character Mr. Bean. From beginning to end it is a very sweet and warm hearted film! It is a great film for kids and adults! I only hope that Rowan will revisit this character again! We need more Mr. Beam! The acting is perfect a way above many comedians! Clearly we can notice the inspiration from "Mr. Hulot's Holiday (USA)"

All the supporting actors are very good, it is just a very well cast film with great soundtrack!

Also Willem Dafoe is great as the obnoxious pretentious art-film director So please Rowan don't do the same that the main character do in Sullivan's Travels (1941). WE NEED MR. BEAN!!!

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7 /10

'Mr. Bean' A Likable & Funny Guy, But Wears Thin After An Hour

Well, overall I'd say that I enjoyed this movie and got enough laughs out of it to make it worthwhile, but I wouldn't watch it again. I think you can only take so much of Rowan Atkinson's "Mr. Bean." A newcomer to him (believe-it-or-not), I found him a lot of fun in the first half of the film but, boy, this guy is tough to take in longer dosages. I wonder if others feel that way?

It's weird; the film was entertaining.....but I found myself looking at my watch a lot during the last 20 minutes, hoping it would end. Maybe breaking the film into two viewings would have helped. Atkinson's goofy faces are very funny at first but get tiresome after an hour.

Well, it was a "cute" story, anyway, and certainly one the whole family could watch. There is nothing, language or sex-wise, that would offend anyone. This is just old-fashioned, almost silent-film-type slapstick comedy. "Mr. Bean" certainly is a likable guy, as are the co- stars, Emma De Caunes and young ------ . Actually I probably laughed more at the ultra- corny lines delivered by Willem Dafoe, whose character pokes fun at film makers. How Dafoe uttered some of these lines with a straight face is beyond me!

The film, though, belongs to Atkinson who is in about every scene and hams it up to the max. If you laugh at his contorted facial expressions and limber body (check out his karaoke work!), you'll love the film. It's very lighthearted comedy and I wouldn't knock the innocence of it, but it's difficult to take in one dose.

Overall: recommended because this is one of the few comedies of recent times you can actually watch with your kids and not worry about anything offensive. For that, it deserves some accolades.

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10 /10

It is Hilarious!

Every scene is pure bliss. Just watching Rowan Atkinson on screen can make you laugh hysterically. Me and My daughter both enjoyed this sweet and cheerful film. There is a lot to learn from Mr.Bean. He is one of the sweetest and humane characters to have romanced the celluliod.

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10 /10

Easiest script ever, instant classic, I wish i had saw it in theatres.

I just finished watching this on my computer and i have to tell you, I LOVED THIS MOVIE, who else could have a film with probably all of 15 lines of English in it and make it superb unlike other remakes they kept the character the same, (a goofy, silly man who gets into wacky blunders and always gets out of it. This was well made, and it was easy, without a script at all, all you gotta do is make it funny in other ways. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who loves to laughs, this man is like the real life Goofy from Disney, so if you liked Goofy watch this man. Watch Rowan Atkinson in this superbly made movie.

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8 /10

Great fun, but overly sentimental

Warning: Spoilers

Rowan Atkinson had disappeared off our screens for a little while. After the critical mauling of Johnny English he sort of vanished into thin air for a while. Personally I can never understand why the critics savaged Johnny English as much as they did, sure it was flawed but it was pretty funny. Now, however Rowan Atkinson has returned, and he's brought along his most well loved character to date. Mr Bean is back, ladies and gentlemen! Now for some people this will cause great excitement, for others it will cause them to groan very loudly. You see Mr Bean is an acquired taste, and after seeing this movie I can still very much say that Mr Bean is an acquired taste. If you dislike Mr Bean in the first place the odds are extremely high that you will hate his latest outing. I on the other hand really like Mr Bean, not love, but I enjoy his sketches and the last movie was pretty funny. This movie in my eyes is a bit better despite still being overly sentimental and some comedy moments feeling a bit too forced. But this is a movie of small pleasures, this doesn't deliver witty comedy, in fact a lot of humour relies on either slapstick or embarrassing situations, yet the comedy still feels fresh and you can't help but enjoy it all along.

The first thing I'll mention is the actual storyline and the actual comedy of the movie. The storyline here works a lot better than it did in the first Bean movie. It seems more natural and like a proper Bean movie, not committee driven like the first movie seemed. The story involves Bean winning a raffle and going off on a holiday to France. It's a simple story and won't be winning any awards, but its what happens along the way that makes the movie so much fun. The comedy here ranges from pretty small laughs, such as the tie getting caught in the baguette machine, to absolutely hysterical sequences which involves Mr Bean trying to earn some money. And the comedy works like that throughout, its always making you smile, whether it be small little sequences that make you smile to yourself, or whether you're practically rolling in the aisles, this is a feel good movie and proud of it.

Nevertheless, the fact it is a feel good movie is also the movies largest downfall. The original Bean movie had huge problems because it was overly sentimental, unfortunately it seems like they haven't learnt their lessons with this movie. Sure it starts out hilarious, but the sentimentality begins to kick in around the halfway mark, and sometimes it is unbearably sickly that you can't help but want to heave. Of course this is a kids movie so I can't be overly critical with the sentimentality. But I would have preferred it to have had a little less of it. We want to see Bean in funny situations, not in a situation that tries to be heartwarming yet feels oddly misplaced. My other moan goes with the ending, it seems rather abrupt and also a tad sickly. The sickliness of it goes with my last complaint. But the ending after a bit of a lead up just suddenly jumps on you and its over. I was the only out of the group I saw it with who felt this, so perhaps that is just my feelings, but in my eyes I wanted a more spread out ending.

The performances of the movie are up to a pretty high standard. Atkinson doing his traditional Mr Bean routine, it doesn't feel old in the movie and it still proves that the character is pretty funny. Willem Dafoe pops along for a great role, and the actual child actor of the movie was surprisingly not irritating like a lot of child actors out there. Overall Mr Bean's Holiday is a great family movie that will keep the kids in hysterics and the adults very happy as well. Its not going to amaze people, but in terms of fun this movie should be a family favourite.

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10 /10

An Underrated Great Film.

To be honest, I think it is a quite warn film. It's played by Mr. Bean, and the plot is both funny and warm.

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8 /10

Very funny - Atkinson was entertaining!

I saw this movie for the first time back in 2008, I believe. I don't remember too much from this feature, but I can attest that it was very entertaining and enjoyable when I watched it.

As the IMDb plot outline puts it, Mr. Bean (Roman Atkinson) wins a trip to Cannes, where he separates a young boy from his father, unintentionally. Therefore, he must reunite the two, while also engaged in an adventurous journey of heading to the Cannes Film Festival.

This film has a lot of slapstick humor, but tasteful enough that in a way it does not get borderline annoying and over-the-top. It's great fun and I would certainly recommend this film to any comedy lovers.

Grade B+

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10 /10

the perfect summer movie

This is one of the best summer movies ever made, because is a comedie, a road movie, and a musical all at really funny and the music just make it better.

Basically the movie begins when mr.bean wins a trip to cannes in his church, so he take the train trip, and from here the comedy starts. Theres no minute lost without something one of the few comedies that i never feel tired of watch, between the comedy, the music and the feel-good tone, you feel like this movie is a ode to the summer, cannes and musicals.

The movie have every kind of joke you can expect, from the subtle to the direct many ways this is one of the best movies to watch in holidays because make you feel like you were in the trip having fun.

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7 /10

bye bye Bean

If this truly is Mr Beans last adventure then I think we can only salute Rowan Atkinson and the writing team as the iconic character truly goes out with a bang.

Stripping back all the Americanisms that were clear for all to see in the first film Mr Beans Holiday goes back to basics by having a simple story that allows the character and Atkinsons talents to be on full show. With the beautiful French backdrop this is a fast moving film that has a lot of heart and humour.

Dafoes cameo isn't great but it doesn't matter because Atkinsons bumbling Bean more than makes up for it with some great comedic moments throughout.

So long Bean, it's been a blast.

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10 /10

Great way for Mr. Atkinson to retire his character

Mr. Atkinson deserves a huge round of applause for the 18 years he's played as his Mr. bean character. since 1989, he's starred as the dim-witted Mr. bean, who comes up with the most unorthodox ways to solve his problems. and this movie certainly shows that. While i don't usually praise comedies, this one certainly deserves praise. not because it was more funny than some of the trashy, simple sex and toilet humor comedy we witness in today's theaters, it was because Mr. Atkinson, a comedy legend, was portraying the character the whole world knows and loves to see.

Mr. bean enters a raffle and wins a trip to Cannes, France (topless beaches! yay!) but as always, things go wrong, and unlike half an hour, it takes bean 3 times that to bring a young boy back to his father, a young, beautiful woman to her movie premiere, and get to the beach.

I've always been a fan of Mr. bean ever since i first watched him, way back in 1997, just before the first movie came out. the TV series on CBC is what got me hooked. Mr. Bean is still funny even though i've seen him do his funny faces and crazy antics for over 10 years. but despite the fact we are saying goodbye to such a great character, Mr. Atkinson, the guy who made bean, deserves it. he doesn't shove dirty humor into people's faces like some of the modern trash we claim is funny, and that can be hard considering he's British, and most British comedy is usually rude. he's a very funny guy, and even if he isn't playing the character of bean, we can still see him making the same funny faces and clean humor through different characters.

Thank you, Mr Atkinson.


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8 /10

An funnier, fresher, lively sequel to "Bean".

hu675 11 September 2007

Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson) won an vacation trip to Cannes, France from an draw. Besides the trip, he won... He also got an digital camera as well. When Bean makes an mysterious stranger (Karel Roden) film him, pretending that his taking the train. But the stranger misses his train by accident, while the stranger's son (Max Baldry) finds himself lost and alone without his father. While Bean tries to make the best of it and he decides to help the boy. Bean finds out that the boy needs to go to Cannes as well. Which his father is an producer of films. Bean and his young new friend tries to make it to Cannes as well. Bean loses the boy, when Bean accidentally lost his bus ticket to go to Cannes. Now Bean is traveling alone and he meets an kind actress (Emma de Caunes) along the way. Which she likes him and helps him as well. But Bean is mistaken for an kidnapper, Bean needs to reunite with the boy before he gets into more trouble.

Directed by Steve Bendelack made an agreeable sequel to "Bean". Like the first movie, it was an huge international success as well. But this sequel is lighter, less crude and less mean-spirited as well. Which the sequel is aimed more at kids, since the sequel is a "G" Rated Movie comparing to the "PG-13" original. Atkinson is a joy as usual by playing Mr. Bean. Which "Bean" character is based on a successful international t.v. show. It was also an brief animated series as well. This will be probably the last time that Atkinson will play "Bean" on any form. This has some big genuine laughs and as well movie within movie scene with Willem Dafoe. Which is an fictional movie playing at the Cannes Film Festival is hilariously pretentious and also the highlight of this long-awaited sequel. This sequel is the funniest, lightest comedy of this year. Don't miss it. (****/*****).

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Bean Baby.

The outlandish titled character (Rowan Atkinson) returns after a 10-year hiatus for this laugh-out-loud comedy. This time our hero wins a ticket to Cannes in France. Just wanting to go to the beach, Atkinson is totally oblivious of the International Film Festival that is taking place there. Thus there are crazy circumstances aplenty with a lovely French actress (the illuminating Emma de Caunes), a pompous American superstar (played superbly by the Willem Dafoe), and a young boy (Max Baldry) who Atkinson unwittingly separated from his parents. "Mr. Bean's Holiday" is one of the best fair films I have ever seen. I really like the movie, but I am a fan of the character Atkinson portrays so well and also of the original television series from Britain which ran sporadically in the late-1980s and early-1990s. With all this said, typical audiences could get little to nothing out of a production like this. Much like "Bean" way back in 1997, the tone is uneven and the translation from television to cinema is hit and miss at best. I like "Mr. Bean's Holiday", but critically I would be lying if I said it is better than average. 2.5 out of 5 stars.

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9 /10

The Funniest Thing Rowan Atkinson Has Ever Done

What I absolutely don't understand is what part of this movie people weren't satisfied with. If you aren't a Bean fan, then you obviously shouldn't watch this movie. With Mr. Bean, you either love him or you hate him, there is no middle ground, so you should know whether or not this movie will be worth your cash and your time. Like some people before me have stated, people who don't like this movie should check out "The Playback" by Carson Clay.

Unlike the last Bean movie, there is no moral yarn embedded in this story, just pure, unadulterated Mr. Bean comedy. This includes disasters that he unwittingly causes, and ones that he causes deliberately. Best of all, all the humor in this movie is new: you have not seen it on the show.

Basically, watching this movie is like watching a one and a half hour episode of the show, only better. Better because the humor is high budget. Better because there are recurring gags in the film, such as him saying "gracias" while thinking that he's speaking French. But most of all, better because this time there is also a plot. You find yourself cheering on Mr. Bean. For the first time, we can really connect with Atkinson's character. So did this movie pass my requirements of becoming "great"? Definitely, it passed with flying colors.

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10 /10

Probably One of the Funniest Films Ever!!

Warning: Spoilers

Mr. Bean returns with more of his absurd and mind blowing antics, a character who lives in his own universe unaware of the consequences of his actions, sometimes puzzling the audience because we can't understand if this all a result of pure innocence or blatant stupidity, and this is what makes Bean's appeal so universal. It's hard to peg him because we see a bit of ourselves in his manic behavior. Shouldn't we forgive ourselves if we made mistakes? In addition, Bean makes it very clear that there is more substance to his character than the obvious broad comedy. In "Bean's Holiday", there are two moments where the film transcends what we have seen Bean do before: a scene where Bean accidentally separates a father and his son and incurs the wrath of everyone else on the train, and later on, when his crazy actions captivate an audience. Atkinson has perfected his techniques and he has managed to give us sublime moments.

He has now taken comedy to heights very few funny man have been able to do. It recalls "Young Frankestein" and "Blazing Saddles" because it blurs the borders between the pathetic and the glorious. It presents very clearly the links between comedy and tragedy. Bean's odyssey takes him through highs and lows, and we laugh and feel as he must find ways to survive and keep going. His character is appreciative of those moments when relief comes, and we are now able to see how Bean is a full character.

There is also a sense of realism in the movie that is rarely present in comedy. We feel the exhilaration of his job at being on vacation. We understand the not-so-subtle differences between French and the British, and there is the beauty of the cities and the countryside, the egocentric attitude of some in the movie industry. "Bean's Holiday" is quite an achievement, a not so quiet exploration of what the world is like as seen through the eyes of one rather special human being.

There is plenty to enjoy here, and it will leave you with a smile on your face.

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10 /10

Mr. Bean

Warning: Spoilers

This is a very easy 10 out of 10 why. Mr. Bean will have you in Stitches and he doesn't say a WORD LOL. Love it when you look at him and he Wiggles his two ears 👂. It is so Hilarious when he does it. At the weirdest moments. The little boy is missing his Daddy. He is on a Train 🚆. Looking at your ears 👂 Wiggle. Is NOT what he NEEDS wright now bye a STRANGER THAT CAN'T TALK TO MUCH. And is VIDEO TAPING EVERYTHING. It's a little Creepy at the Time Mr. Bean put the CAMERA AWAY. It's your FAULT THE LITTLE BOY LOST HIS DADDY LOL. But you did take good care of him. Great Film 🎥 I Loved it.

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8 /10

It definitely had its moments.

Mr Bean is back and is again going to be causing more disaster! Rowan Atkinson still plays the part tremendously. 19 years later and is still playing the same guy. Rowan Atkinson just never seems to want to get old. He still looks young and as fit as anything. Rowan Atkinson does his stunts in this movie too. The acting is somewhat good. What this movie tends to do is not be funny for 5 minutes and then they throw in a laugh out loud joke. It doesn't seem to fail once. This film is a movie for everyone of all ages. All the kids and adults were laughing all the way through it. Don't believe all the critics or haters. It's exactly the same with Meet The Fockers. Whenever there's a comedy sequel people bash it, and guess what? They haven't seen it or all of it. So ignore the haters and enjoy a laugh out loud joke every 5 minutes or so.

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